Brand identity is the key to building a steady business. Being a prima of Aria Company is an exclusive permission that gains Alicia many admirers, such as Akatsuki. “Snow White” is a title unique to her that can’t be imitated. Someone who wanted a tour from Alicia would not be happy if Akari took her place. But this is the position the artisans of Murano Island are in. Their glass can’t be said to be the same as the classical Murano glass.
Even so, Akari reminds Anton that he’s a part of a unique city with its own life and culture. It may be only a reflection of the true Venice, but Neo-Venezia is not lacking attractiveness. People come to the city to experience it as it is right now. So they will also appreciate the new Murano glass because of his craftsmanship, and that of the maestro. In the same way, Akari will gain her followers for being who she is and not merely Alicia’s apprentice. Even someone like Akatsuki could be a fan.
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Anime glass horses | Real Murano horse |
In the present day, real Murano glass is suffering the opposite problem.
Counterfeiters thrive on the demand for cheaper and more readily available alternatives.
As long as glass has been made in Venice, there have been imitation Venetian-style glass makers. Alicia hints at this when she mentions the ban on emigration from Murano. The law was never very effective. But restricting glass foundries to the island was also done to keep the large furnaces away from the fragile wooden buildings of Venice. However, smaller furnaces for beads were allowed to remain. So Akari was wrong that all the beads for the New Year festival were from Murano.
Next week’s episode is Aria the Natural #15:
In the Center Of That Large Circle…
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