Aug 8, 2013

Aria the Natural #13: Those Really Self-Imposed Rules…

How does Alice feel when Aika compliments her? Every undine should be able to row well. Does everyone need to be praised just for doing her job? Many people tell Alice that she’s smart, mature, and reliable. But how true is that? Schoolwork and rowing are one thing, but a truly talented person must be able to walk across Neo-Venezia while only stepping on shadows. If Alice is to be praised then she should prove that she deserves it.
These tests of herself are because she worries about her own inadequacies. She’s intimidated by the compliments people give her. She doesn’t trust herself to be able to live up to other’s expectations. In time she will learn to be more confident. Until then, she places her trust in Athena.

The Undine Who Leaped Through Time
Happy birthday to the star of this week’s episode, Ryou Hirohashi (Tuesday). And also for Erino Hazuki last Saturday. Next week I’ll be watching Aria the Animation #4: That Undeliverable Letter…

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