Aug 29, 2013

Aria the Natural #24: Those Undines of Tomorrow…

Teenagers that they are, the three apprentice undines are impatient to become adults and take on the responsibilities of a prima. It’s an occupation that attracts many eager young women. But there’s a mundane and less glamorous side as well. Akari thinks Akira’s task is meant to teach them how to take responsibility for all aspects of the job. This may be true, though it could just be Akira taking advantage of her underlings because she doesn’t want to do it herself.

But the actual lesson of the day is one that no one had planned. And it isn’t about taking responsibility, but letting it go. The sudden rain storm was unfortunate, but out of anyone’s control. Something else no one can control is other people’s thoughts. Aika, overeager to be a responsible person, hears the gossip about Akira and takes it to heart. It frustrates her until Akira reminds her that some things are out of her control. Aika shouldn’t let some jealous gossip bring her down, just as she can’t control the weather. Responsibility means choosing your battles.

Speaking of choosing battles, what if the world of Aqua were modeled not on 17th century Venice, but 3rd century China? The fourth Aria the Origination picture drama looks at such a Three Kingdoms planet. Alicia is victorious with her strategy of fighting by not fighting.

Happy birthday this week to Kaori Mizuhashi, the voice of Ai. Next week is Aria the Origination #11: Those Ever-Changing Days…

Aug 23, 2013

Aria the Origination #8: The Memories of That Precious Person…

Greetings from Comic Market 84
Two weeks ago, we saw Athena helping Alice build her confidence. This time, it’s Athena’s turn to feel unsure of herself. She knows that Alice’s graduation from pair is close at hand. She may already be thinking about advancing her immediately to prima. Then they would be peers instead of teacher and student. If Alice doesn’t trust Athena, that could be a problem for their relationship. Perhaps it would be better for Athena to change into someone Alice would like better. So after their argument, a fortuitous bump to the head gives her an idea.

Alicia knows Athena too well to be fooled. She uses her “goddess smile” to draw out the truth, but doesn’t reveal what she knows to the younger girls. Just as Alice walked through the shadows, Alicia allows Athena to play her game long enough for those two to come to terms. She understands their feelings both as a friend, and as someone who also worries about her apprentice’s future.

After this is Alice’s promotion. We know that Athena mentioned going on a picnic a while ago. This is the code word for promoting someone from pair to single. Why did she wait so long? Well, at the end of this episode, and the beginning of the next, the sun sets with an orange glow. I don’t know if she meant for it to be that way from the start, but her patience made a spectacular backdrop for the Orange Princess.

Next week I’ll be watching Aria the Natural #24: Those Undines of Tomorrow…, and also Aria the Origination Picture Drama #4.

Aug 15, 2013

Aria the Animation #4: That Undeliverable Letter…

An encounter with a young girl leads Akari on a tour of the ocean and a brief history lesson about how Mars was terraformed. Aqua is not a paradise; the current peaceful life Akari and the others enjoy comes from the sacrifices made by the engineers at the pumping station and others. The letter she delivers is a message of gratitude to the people who created a world that they themselves wouldn’t be able to enjoy.

Akari is told that she’s the only one who can deliver the letter. Ami pleads for her message to be heard. Does she mean the contents of the letter? Or is it Akari that she’s reaching out to? This is her first meeting with the cats of Neo-Venezia and Akari isn’t afraid. Though that may be because she doesn’t yet understand what she’s stepped into. With kindness and sincerity she passes the test. Cait Sith must be standing in the shadows, watching this and smiling mysteriously.

Next week’s episode is Aria the Origination #8: That Important Person’s Memories…

Aug 8, 2013

Aria the Natural #13: Those Really Self-Imposed Rules…

How does Alice feel when Aika compliments her? Every undine should be able to row well. Does everyone need to be praised just for doing her job? Many people tell Alice that she’s smart, mature, and reliable. But how true is that? Schoolwork and rowing are one thing, but a truly talented person must be able to walk across Neo-Venezia while only stepping on shadows. If Alice is to be praised then she should prove that she deserves it.
These tests of herself are because she worries about her own inadequacies. She’s intimidated by the compliments people give her. She doesn’t trust herself to be able to live up to other’s expectations. In time she will learn to be more confident. Until then, she places her trust in Athena.

The Undine Who Leaped Through Time
Happy birthday to the star of this week’s episode, Ryou Hirohashi (Tuesday). And also for Erino Hazuki last Saturday. Next week I’ll be watching Aria the Animation #4: That Undeliverable Letter…

Aug 1, 2013

Aria the Natural #18: That New Me…

It’s barbecue time!

In a food processor, blend 1 cup cilantro, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp. lime zest, and 3 tbsp. lime juice. Mix this with 2 tsp. of combination salt, cumin, and ground red pepper. Rub this mixture into a 2 lbs. boneless top sirloin, 1¼ inches thick. Let the steak set for 2 hours.

Grill 6 ears of corn. Cut the corn from the cob into a bowl. Stir in half a teaspoon of lime zest, quarter cup lime juice, 2 tsp. olive oil, a minced jalapeño pepper, and half a teaspoon of the salt/cumin/pepper mix.
Grill the steak to your preferred doneness, then serve with the corn dressing.

Something else may have happened in this episode. I don’t think it was anything important. My best wishes and lots of joy to Chiwa Saito on her wedding this week.

Sorry for the delay last week. I can type again, but awkwardly while wearing a wrist brace. Next is Aria the Natural #13: Those Really Self-Imposed Rules…