Apr 18, 2013

Aria the Animation #3: With That Transparent Young Girl…

Everyone knows that oil and water don’t mix. Hydrophobic compounds disrupt water’s hydrogen bonds. Entropy driven ordering then causes the disparate molecules to separate. Alice has a difficult time forming bonds with other people. When she’s around them, her social awkwardness is uncomfortable. It’s easier for her to practice rowing on her own, walk to school on her own, eat lunch on her own, etc.

Add an emulsifier, however, and you can mix oil in water. Egg yolk in Hollandaise sauce keeps it from separating. Alice would not have spoken to Akari if Akatsuki were not there. Normally, she’d be too self-conscious about socializing with Akari. But by being an irritant, he took the pressure off of her. She only thought about him and why Akari was being nice to such a rude person. Without realizing it, she was laughing and speaking casually with Akari. The oil and water had become friends.

Even a prodigy has things she needs to learn. Alice won’t be a Prima if she remains overly concerned with decorum. Akari already knows this as can be seen in her interaction with Akatsuki. She doesn’t worry about embarrassing herself, but neither does she worry about her customers behaving poorly towards her. She keeps smiling and finds a way to turn any situation into a positive experience. For Akatsuki, who’s angry because he’s broke and bored, she reminds him of why he became a salamander. Akari doesn’t know it now, but later she’ll hear the story of his dream to be the “protector of Aqua.”

Speaking of Akatsuki, April 16 is the birthday of Hirofumi Nojima.

Next week’s episode is Aria the Natural #2: Looking For That Treasure…

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