Oct 31, 2013

Aria the Natural #26: That White, Kind City… & Aria the Animation #10: That Warm Holiday…

Alicia is using her zen teaching technique again. Akari is thinking about her hopes and dreams, so Alicia begins making a snowball. She doesn’t say, “I want to make a snowman,” or even “I want to make a big ball.” All she does is add a little more snow, then a little more, and keeps trying to grow it one step at a time. Eventually it becomes larger because of her own patient effort and also by the kindness of people she meets.

That snowman was the result of a community working together, supporting each other, and can accomplishing something that a single person couldn’t do. But someone had to start the snowball rolling. If Alicia hadn’t stopped at that courtyard, the people who lived there would have remained inside their houses. Her arrival caused the neighborhood to gather for an afternoon party.

Humans don’t get to hibernate during the winter, even though we sometimes wish to. On pleasant days people will find ways to enjoy the weather, such as building a snowman. Other days it’s better to avoid the cold by seeking out a natural hot bath. Harsh weather also drives us to consider practical matters. When a storm threatens, people congregate at markets to buy the food they’ll need in the coming days. Much like the aphids who sense the impending snowfall and seek out a tree for their wintering egg.

The desire for warmth and light is the motivation for having festivals during the winter. Today is Halloween, the start of the cold season. At mid-winter we will celebrate Christmas. And when the nights begin to shorten and Spring nears, there is Carnival.

Next week’s episode is Aria the Natural #7: To The Kingdom Of Cats…

Oct 24, 2013

Aria the Natural #1: That Encounter At The Carnevale…

The fairy standing in the doorway holds up his hand. Behind him, Akari can see figures moving about as jasmine petals drift in the warm breeze. It’s a world off-limits to her. That morning, she was looking through a different doorway and seeing a different vision. “I’m a member of Aria Company today,” Ai proudly proclaimed as Alicia served her breakfast. One day she’ll be able to say that while wearing the gloves of an apprentice as Akari stands in Alicia’s place. This is their future, but like the kingdom of the cats they can only look through the doorway.

The Carnival, as is well known, is the time leading up to the Lenten fast. Carnival-goers spend two weeks indulging in food, wine, and each other to prepare themselves for the month and a half they will have to go without. The first Carnivals of Venice were held to celebrate the victory over Aquileia in 1162. The patriarch Ulrich II was made to give 12 pigs and a bull as tribute. This may be why during the 17th century the city would host a running of the bulls during Carnival. Thankfully, this is a tradition that has not been carried into modern times.

Putting on a mask is like becoming a different person. It gives you the courage to try things you might not normally do. As her friends gathered together, we saw Akari standing back and looking at them as an outsider. We learned in The Center Of That Large Circle that she has the habit of excluding herself that way. The invitation from Cait Sith was to become part of the Carnival celebration; run through the streets of Neo-Venetia, singing and dancing. He is urging Akari to see herself as part of the city, and part of the group of friends who surround her.

Ai is the only human other than Akari to have seen Cait Sith. Why did he allow her into this hidden side of Neo-Venezia? Cuteness needs no excuse.

Because I want to finish watching all the episodes this year, I’m doubling-up next week. Aria the Natural #26: That White, Kind City… and Aria the Animation #10: That Warm Holiday…

Oct 17, 2013

Aria the Natural #15: The Center Of That Large Circle…

Akari feels left out as these old friends share a story from their past. She should learn from the young Akatsuki that friendship doesn’t care if you look cool or if you fall flat on your face. The important thing is daring to try. Akari took that leap when she left Manhome for Aqua. Without realizing it, she’s become part of many new memories. Some day she and her friends will reminisce about these days when she was a single, and maybe there will be a young apprentice listening to them and feeling left out of their stories.

The story created from our memories is one that never ends. There are many chapters, with many surprises along the way. For Akatsuki, they boy he met on that playground was just a memory. Who would have guessed that he, who was really a she, would appear back in his life many years later? This surprising turn of events might not have happened if Akari had not been sitting alone that afternoon. An ordinary moment in time became a surprising new chapter of many peoples’ lives. This story of friends who met once and parted ways only to meet again later on is something Akari should keep in mind when she becomes a prima. Her time as an apprentice will end, but no one knows what will happen later, or when someone you thought was just a memory will enter into your life again.

With this light-hearted episode, I’ll watch another Aria the Origination picture drama #3: Aiming for that Glorious Victory.
Aika gets Akari and Alice to play “the beautiful game.” For her to decide this in just one day makes me think that she got the idea from reading a manga. It’s cute how the uniform has the three company colors in it.

This leaves one more picture drama, and 12 more episodes for the last 10 weeks of the year. The next one will be Aria the Natural #1: That Encounter At The Carnevale…

Oct 10, 2013

Aria the Natural #11: That Precious Sparkle…

Brand identity is the key to building a steady business. Being a prima of Aria Company is an exclusive permission that gains Alicia many admirers, such as Akatsuki. “Snow White” is a title unique to her that can’t be imitated. Someone who wanted a tour from Alicia would not be happy if Akari took her place. But this is the position the artisans of Murano Island are in. Their glass can’t be said to be the same as the classical Murano glass.

Even so, Akari reminds Anton that he’s a part of a unique city with its own life and culture. It may be only a reflection of the true Venice, but Neo-Venezia is not lacking attractiveness. People come to the city to experience it as it is right now. So they will also appreciate the new Murano glass because of his craftsmanship, and that of the maestro. In the same way, Akari will gain her followers for being who she is and not merely Alicia’s apprentice. Even someone like Akatsuki could be a fan.
Anime glass horsesReal Murano horse
In the present day, real Murano glass is suffering the opposite problem. Counterfeiters thrive on the demand for cheaper and more readily available alternatives. As long as glass has been made in Venice, there have been imitation Venetian-style glass makers. Alicia hints at this when she mentions the ban on emigration from Murano. The law was never very effective. But restricting glass foundries to the island was also done to keep the large furnaces away from the fragile wooden buildings of Venice. However, smaller furnaces for beads were allowed to remain. So Akari was wrong that all the beads for the New Year festival were from Murano.

Next week’s episode is Aria the Natural #15: In the Center Of That Large Circle…

Oct 3, 2013

Aria the Origination #13: To That New Beginning…

Akari has a question about the account book for Aria Company, but when she turns around, Alicia isn’t there. She’s retired now, and Akari is alone. This time, it’s not a dream. The sadness of having to say goodbye is mixed with the joy of a hopeful future. Akari now feels that she is a person Alicia can rely on.

Then Alicia confesses that she is already relying on Akari. When a mentor teaches an apprentice, or a parent to a child, the student will necessarily take on some of her instructor’s personality. Akari was afraid to let go of Alicia because Alicia didn’t want to be alone.
Akari was never at risk of feeling lonely. Now that she’s a prima, her days are full of customers, talking with other undines and business owners, and the many friends she’s made in Neo-Venezia. Alicia, although newlywed and working full time in the Gondola Association, still goes out of her way to drop by Aria Company. In time, she’ll visit less often. But then Akari will be busy teaching her own apprentice. That young pair will grow up under the influence of Akari’s personality, as Akari had grown under Alicia’s.

That concludes three weeks all about Alicia. Next week is a lighter episode, Aria the Natural #11: That Precious Sparkle…