The canals of Neo-Venezia are brought to a standstill by the phenomenal charms of Athena and Alicia. Everyone is impressed by their natural talent. But more than awed, Aika is intimidated. She’s surrounded by gifted people. How can someone not born so lucky compare?
As the daughter of a famous family, Aika was born lucky, although she doesn’t feel it. As a young child, the encouragement she received gave her boundless optimism. But that confidence wavered as she grew older. It’s one thing to say that a person is destined for greatness, but if she doesn’t feel it in her heart it may never happen. Aika makes the mistake of comparing her inexperience to Alicia, Athena, and Akira’s experience. This makes her doubt her own ability, and why wouldn’t it? How impressive is an acorn next to an oak tree?

Her lack of confidence would be tragic for Aika, except she has Akira as a mentor. Akira became a prima through effort alone. Although it would be a mistake to say that she had no natural talent. An ordinary person would not have worked as hard as she did to learn how to be an undine. Akira’s hidden talent is her confidence. When she doubted herself, it was a young Aika who rejuvenated her determination to create her own destiny. So when Aika is similarly troubled, she can pay back the favor. Talent is a blessing, but it means nothing without the desire to do something wonderful.
And of course, in the language of flowers, a red rose means passion.
The episode for next week is Aria the Natural #23:
That Sea, Love, and Heart…